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Battle of Baideng Hun

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I am the Leader of the Turks, where the sun rises

of the land from the ground to the sinking point

ruler Mete. I was just a little kid when I came here. However, I was ambitious enough to kill my father. When I came to the tribe called Baideng, the reason was the silk road. Now, to make China accept our superiority. By trapping the Chinese who were coming to Baideng, I surrounded them on Baideng Mountain. The weak, skinny, and sick Hun soldiers made the first contact with Kao-ti. I defeated the Chinese who were chasing the soldiers by trapping them. At the end of the war, the Han Dynasty; He accepted the Hun supremacy, paid taxes, gave soldiers and the Silk Road route fell into the hands of the Great Hun State.

Author: Hüseyin Emre Eken

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