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Bronze Age

The Bronze Age refers to a phase in prehistoric times when bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, began to be widely used. This period, which took place between 3300 BC and 1200 BC, covers a period of time when human societies developed their metallurgical skills, settled down, and formed complex social structures. The use of bronze caused great changes in agriculture, trade, art and warfare.

Metallurgical Developments and Bronze Production:
The Bronze Age is a period when metallurgical skills peaked. In addition to copper being found freely in nature, bronze alloy was obtained by adding tin. This alloy is a more durable and harder material than copper and has found wide use in vehicles, weapons, ornaments, and other uses.

Agriculture and Transition to Sedentary Life:
The Bronze Age represents a period in which agriculture and settled life became more widespread. Bronze tools enabled agriculture to be carried out more effectively and increased productivity. This situation allowed the population to increase and the formation of large settlements.


Complex Social Structures:
The Bronze Age is a period of increasing complexity in the social structure. Specialized craftsmen and traders emerged, resulting in clearer social roles and classes within communities. During this period, centralized administrative systems developed with the formation of city-states and civilizations.

Trade and Cultural Interaction:
The Bronze Age marks a period in which intense trade took place between different regions. Bronze was transported especially along important trade routes and goods were exchanged between different cultures. This situation has opened the door to sharing technological, artistic and cultural differences and new developments.

Art and Architecture:
The Bronze Age was a period in which great achievements were achieved in the fields of art and architecture. Metalwork was used in the construction of ornaments and temples. At the same time, complex architectural structures were built in major cities and the aesthetic tastes of civilizations in this period developed.

Ending and Transition Period:
The Bronze Age ended around 1200 BC with large waves of migration and various collapse events, especially in the Mediterranean region. The collapse of various civilizations during this period affected a wide geography from the Middle East to the Mediterranean and heralded the transition to the Late Bronze Age.

Conclusion and Evaluation:
The Bronze Age is an important period in human history. Metallurgical developments, the spread of agriculture, the transition to settled life, the formation of complex societies and cultural interaction are the main features of this age. The Bronze Age includes many fundamental elements in the development of human societies and plays a key role in shaping the prehistoric world.

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Written by: Adil Sevim

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