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Mesozoic Age, also known as the Paleolithic AgeThe Lithic Age is one of the prehistoric periods and is a period generally thought to have occurred between 10,000 BC and 8,000 BC. This era represents a phase in which hunting and gathering activities were still dominant, but human societies were gradually transitioning to agriculture. Societies in this period lived with environmental conditions, climate changes and changes in the use of resources and were shaped by adaptation processes.

Environmental Conditions and Climate Changes

The Mesolithic Age is characterized by the end of the ice age and changes in climate. When the ice age ended, the climate became warmer, which led to changes in vegetation and animal species. People migrated to adapt to new environments and feed from different sources.

Hunting and Gathering Economy

During the Mesolithic period, people maintained a hunting and gathering economy. Hunting generally focused on large game animals and hunting tools such as arrows and spears were used. Additionally, plant resources were collected to meet nutritional needs. During this period, people survived by effectively using various natural resources.



Stone Age Technology

During the Mesolithic period, natural materials such as stone, wood, bone and leather were the basic materials used in the production of tools and weapons. Stone tools have become more finely and elaborately crafted than in the previous Paleolithic period. During this period, special types of stone such as obsidian were exchanged through trade routes, increasing interaction between people.

The Beginning of the Transition to Agriculture

Towards the end of the Mesolithic Age, people gradually began to switch to agriculture. Collecting plant seeds, limited-scale agriculture, and domesticating animals are among the important developments in this period. Agriculture allowed people to switch to a settled lifestyle and establish their communities in more crowded settlements.

Conclusion and Evaluation

The Mesolithic Age represents an important transition period in human history. This period, when the hunting and gathering economy prevailed, shows how people made efforts to adapt to environmental changes and adapt to new lifestyles. The transition to agriculture marks the beginning of a significant evolution that caused humans to become socially, economically and culturally sophisticated and lay the foundations of civilization.

NOTE: Use the Table Below to Find Other Historical Eras

Written by: Adil Sevim

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