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Iron Age

The Iron Age represents an important period in human history, replacing metals such as copper and bronze in prehistoric times. Dated between 1200 BC and 1 AD, this phase involves the widespread use of iron and makes societies more complex and advanced, paving the way for the rise of civilization.

Discovery and Processing of Iron:
Iron is generally found in nature as iron ore, and its metallurgical processing requires a more complex process than copper and bronze. However, since iron was more common and cheaper than copper and bronze, its use quickly became widespread. Processing of iron has allowed the production of cast iron and more durable alloys such as steel.

Change in Agriculture and Production:
The Iron Age caused significant changes in agriculture and production. Iron tools were used more effectively in areas such as soil cultivation, forest cutting and building construction, which increased agricultural productivity. Additionally, the widespread use of iron tools allowed the development of infrastructure projects such as waterways and irrigation systems.

Changes in Social and Economic Structure:
The Iron Age led to significant changes in the social and economic structure. Settled communities increased, trade networks expanded, and the number of cities increased. Specialized classes of craftsmen, merchants, and administrative systems emerged. This period represents a phase in which complex social hierarchies are formed.


Iron Age Civilizations:
The Iron Age is a period in which many great civilizations rose. Civilizations in Ancient Greece, Rome, China, India and the Middle East made significant advances in technological, cultural and scientific fields with the widespread use of iron. Iron also played an effective role in weapons production, and military technology developed significantly during this period.

Religion and Art:
The Iron Age also symbolizes a significant development in the fields of religion and art. Interaction between different communities has increased diversity in mythology, rituals and forms of artistic expression. Temples, monuments and works of art are important ruins that reflect the cultural richness of this period.

Ending and Transition to the Next Periods:
The Iron Age experienced different ending processes in different regions over time. But in general, this period is linked to the beginning of the Middle Ages, the transition to feudal systems and later to the major civilizations of the Middle Ages.

Conclusion and Evaluation:
The Iron Age represents an important milestone in human history as a result of the metallurgical revolution. The widespread use of iron contributed to the evolution of civilization by causing great changes in technological, social, economic and cultural fields. This period is a critical phase for humanity's technological progress and civilizational development.

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Written by: Adil Sevim

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