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Neolithic Period

The Neolithic Period, also known as the Neolithic Age, represents a period that is considered the harbinger of a great revolution in prehistoric times. This period took place between 10,000 BC and 4,000 BC and was an important turning point in human history. The Neolithic Period represents a phase in which there was a transition from a hunting and gathering economy to settled agricultural societies.

Agricultural Revolution and Transition to Settled Life
The most important feature of the Neolithic Period is the agricultural revolution. People began to engage in agriculture by consciously domesticating plants and animals. This process is characterized by people selecting wild plants, making them cultivated, and domesticating animals and feeding them in a controlled manner. Agriculture allowed people to obtain more food, increase their population, and settle down.

Formation of Settled Societies
The Neolithic Period symbolizes a period in which people gradually settled down. The first agricultural communities focused on agricultural production by establishing permanent settlements in areas close to water sources. This has led to communities increasing in size and complexity, while also encouraging the emergence of specific areas of expertise.



Effects of Sedentary Life:
Social, Economic and Cultural Changes 
As a result of the transition to settled life, there have been a number of significant impacts on human societies. As the population increased, interaction and trade between communities improved. Special areas of expertise emerged, triggering the formation of crafts, trades and classes. Additionally, trade between communities has led to the interaction of different cultures and cultural exchanges. 
Technological Developments and Industrialization 
The Neolithic Period also represents a period rich in technological developments. In addition to stone tools, new technological tools were developed, such as ceramic production, weaving looms and agricultural tools. These technological advances have increased productivity and contributed to making societies more complex. 

Conclusion and Evaluation 
The Neolithic Period is one of the most important phases in human history. The agricultural revolution radically changed people's lifestyles and led to the emergence of more complex relationships and cultures between societies with the transition to settled life. While this period symbolizes a radical change in humanity's relationship with nature, it also marks the beginning of major transformations in social, economic and cultural fields. The Neolithic Period laid the foundations of civilization and became an important milestone in the journey of human history.
NOTE: Use the Table Below to Find Other Historical Eras

Written by: Adil Sevim

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