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Historical Ages

History is divided into some sections in order to understand and examine the history of humanity. These sections are called "Historical Age". For history, ages are divided into two: historical ages and prehistoric ages. Historical ages begin with the invention of writing. Prehistoric ages are simply divided into two: stone age and mining age, but some sources may list the ages differently.

Prehistoric ages cover the periods before the invention of writing and are generally examined under five main headings:

Paleolithic Age (Rough Stone 2,000,000 BC - 10,000 BC): It is the longest period in which humanity has lived. During this period, people survived by hunting and gathering.

Mesolithic Age (Chibblestone 10,000 BC - 8,000 BC): Hunting and gathering continued. People continued to live in caves. Stones were carved and simple tools were made. Fire was discovered in this age.

Neolithic Age (Polished Stone 8,000 BC - 5,500 BC): People started production activities along with agricultural life in this period. In addition to stone tools and equipment, they also made tools and equipment from soil to protect their food.

Chalcolithic Age (Stone - Copper Age 5,500 BC - 3,000 BC): During this period, people began to use copper as well as stone tools and equipment.

Mining Ages (3,000 BC - 1,200 BC): During this period, people learned to process metals such as iron and bronze.

Historical ages are divided into four:

First Age (Ancient Age): B.C. 3200 - A.D. 375. This period begins with the invention of writing and ends with the Migration of Tribes. Many civilizations were established during this period, including the Akkadians, Sumerians, Hittites, Assyrians and Urartians.

Middle Ages: 375 - 1453. This period begins with the Migration of Tribes and ends with the Conquest of Istanbul. The Middle Ages are described as the Golden Age of Islam, and during this period there were important developments in the fields of astronomy, medicine, mathematics and geometry.

New Age: 1453 - 1789. The New Age begins with the Conquest of Istanbul and ends with the French Revolution. The most important event that took place during this period was the discovery of America.

Recent Era: 1789 - Present. The Modern Age begins with the French Revolution and continues until today.

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What You Will Learn By Reading This Article

This article provides detailed information about historical periods. While detailed information is provided, information is given slightly above the level of information that all people should know. In this way, people were enabled to become more knowledgeable in historical times.

Written by: Adil Sevim

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